魂導くハワイアンスピリチュアルタロット NEW WORLD
by comdoors, Inc.
🗂️ Lifestyle
Version 1.58
📅 Updated February 27, 2022
"Wonderfully hit"! "Overlooked too much crying big cry ..." Thanks for the rush! Popular "Hawaiian Spiritual Tarot" has further evolved and gorgeous version up!
Features 魂導くハワイアンスピリチュアルタロット NEW WORLD
「不思議なほど当たる!」「泣けるほど癒され、救われる!」「見抜かれ過ぎて大号泣…」感謝の口コミが続々殺到!大人気タロット占いアプリ「ハワイアンスピリチュアルタロット」がさらに大進化を遂げて豪華バージョンアップしました!◆20種類の新作タロットカードが誕生し、カードが全40種類に!さらにスプレッドは全9枚から全26枚に超パワーアップ!あなたの知りたい運命を超細密に鑑定します!◆国内No1占いポータルサイト「Yahoo!占い」でも人気ランキング1位を獲得!◆的中率の高さと的確かつ思いやりある癒しの鑑定に、多くのファンからの絶大な指示を集める、超実力派人気占い師「ジューン澁澤」完全監修!心が不安で苦しいとき、未来に希望が見えなくなったとき……ぜひ、「ハワイアンスピリチュアルタロット~NEW WORLD~」にすべてをゆだねてみてください。神秘のカードと愛情あふれるメッセージで、いつでもあなたの魂を幸福へと導きます。
★なぜここまで当たる!?ピタリ見抜かれ芸能人も虜!“神秘の予言” 「ハワイアンスピリチュアルタロット~NEW WORLD~」とは、大人気の西洋占術研究家・ジューン澁澤オリジナルの人気占術「ハワイアン・スピリチュアルタロット」をさらにパワーアップさせ、癒しの力と神秘の的中力を極めた本格タロット鑑定です。ハワイ伝統の刺繍「ハワイアン・キルト」の美しい絵柄をモチーフにしたタロットカードは、パワーアップに伴い20種から【40種】へと倍増。スプレッドで展開するカードの枚数も、9枚から【26枚】にボリュームアップし、あなたの知りたいことをさらに深く、より緻密に鑑定できるようになりました。聖なる島・ハワイの大自然に宿るスピリット(魂)がこめられた40種のカードには、あなたの「魂の声」を聞き取り、悩みや心の痛みを癒して、幸せな未来へと導くための「スピリチュアルパワー」が宿っています。自分自身でも知り得ない、「魂の本当の願い」を聞き取れるこのカードだからこそ、今のあなたに「本当に必要なメッセージ」をお伝えすることができるのです。
★豪華特別鑑定メニュー![有料版]【恋愛】・あの人のマナ(魂)に宿るあなたへの想い◇思わず涙する11の愛と真実・感動結末に号泣必至!【2人の恋がたどる全運命】愛と癒しの激動18章・「今2人の心はどれくらい通じ合ってる?」奇跡のカードでピタリ透視・「本当は既に両想い?」今、彼があなたに寄せる想い~温めてる計画!・切なき純愛不倫の運命◆2人だけの楽園(ラニ)へ行く方法~最終結末・相談者が次々涙する奇跡の予言! 次あなたに起きる出来事~次の使命・彼もちゃんとわかってる◆あなたと他人との違い・特別に思う真の理由・「彼が何考えてるかやっとわかりました…」驚き/納得/感動の全真相!・「もうすぐ2人は付き合える?」神秘のタロットが愛の結末を感涙予言ほか【人生、仕事】・泣けるほど救われたと口コミ殺到【人生変わる】次の仕事の転機と選択・神秘のカードが色鮮やかに映す【1年後の未来】誰とどこで何してる?・的中力に芸能人も虜◆神秘のカードが明かす3/5/10年後あなたの人生!・神秘の予言でピタリ◆仕事/結婚/金/健康【4大不安】この先どうなる?ほか【出逢い、結婚】・神々も祝福◆あなたと最愛の人(イポラニ)の出逢い/結婚の全運命!・幸福(ハウオリ)はすぐ傍に…今一番あなたを想う運命の異性はあの人ほか※メニューは随時追加予定です
★監修者についてジューン澁澤(しぶさわ)西洋占術研究家。占術研究所「HELURA」主宰。株式会社ヘルラ代表。長年に渡り、多数の有名メディアで原稿執筆を手がけている超実力派占い師。マルセイユ版タロット、西洋手相術に関する著書の執筆を行うほか、タロットから占星術、手相、血液型まで幅広い占術を扱い、錬金術などの西洋思想を占いに取り込んだ新機軸の占法を研究、開発を行う。Yahoo!占い「2014年上半期人気占いランキング」の「恋愛部門」で1位を獲得。 2016年、Yahoo!チケット「エンタミ!」の「占ってみた」企画にて、アーティスト「MAX」のNANAさん、MINAさん、LINAさん、それぞれの2016年の運勢について対面鑑定を行い、メンバーからも大好評を得る。■著書『血液型錬金術』(駒草出版)、『ミラクルあたる!ワクワク手相うらない』(西東社)、『西洋手相術の世界』(駒草出版/共著)、『リーディング・ザ・タロット』(駒草出版/共著)、『ハワイアン・スピリチュアルタロット 聖なる島のリトリート キルトが導くあなたの運命』(三空出版)■雑誌掲載歴『anan』(マガジンハウス)、『VERY』(光文社)、『JJ』(光文社)、『週刊女性』(主婦と生活社)、『開運帖』(イーストプレス)、『Chakra』(アイア出版)、『幸せを呼ぶ大開運』(リイド社)、『ビーズfriend』(ブティック社)、『女性セブン』(小学館)、など多数"Wonderfully won!" "Healed enough to cry and be saved!" "Its overlooked and crying crying ..."Rushful rush reviews of appreciation!
The popular Tarot fortune-telling application "Hawaiian Spiritual Tarot" has further evolved and gorgeous upgraded!◆ 20 new Tarot cards are born, cards to 40 types in all!In addition, the spread super powered up from nine in all to 26 in all!
I will appreciate the fate you want to know ultra-precisely!◆ Ranked 1st in popularity ranking in the domestic No.1 fortune-telling portal site "Yahoo!
fortune-telling"!◆ Perfect supervision of the super powerful popular fortune-telling "June Shibusawa" who gathers extraordinary instructions from many fans to the high accuracy of precaution and appraisal of precise and considerate healing!When my heart is uneasy and painful, when hope disappears in the future ...
Hope to leave everything to "Hawaiian Spiritual Tarot ~ NEW WORLD ~" by all means.
With a mysterious card and a loving message, I will bring your soul to happiness anytime.
★ Why you hit this far!
Pitari looked out and celebrities are also captivated!
"Mysterious prophecy""Hawaiian Spiritual Tarot ~ NEW WORLD ~" is a popular occupational researcher · Western popular occultist · June Shibusawa original popular occupation "Hawaiian spiritual Tarot" further up the power, healing power and mystery power It is a real tarot appraisal.The tarot card with the beautiful design of traditional Hawaiian embroidery "Hawaiian Quilt" motif doubled from 20 species to 40 species with power up.
The number of cards expanded by the spread also increased from 9 sheets to 【26 sheets】, so that you can more exactly and precisely identify what you want to know.To hear your "voice of the soul", listen to your "voice of the soul" to the 40 kinds of cards in which the spirit (spirit) living in the great nature of the holy island · Hawaii was crowded, to heal the pain and heartache, to lead to a happy future "Spiritual power" is inhabited.
Because this card can catch the "real wish of the soul" that you can not even know yourself, you can tell you "a really necessary message".
★ Tarot card design decorates the cover with a number of books, and fully depicts Mr.
Asako Yoshimi, a popular illustrator who is also active in female magazines and the like.Born from the spirit of one of the worlds most powerful spots, this card is a tool of fortune telling, as well as a power of mystery to trim your heart and heal your soul.
★ Free fortune telling fortune-telling menu that you will occupy every day!"Todays fortune of fortune" fortune telling of today by a combination of cards
★ Luxurious special appraisal menu!
[Paid version]【love】· Thoughts of you who live in mans (soul) of that person ◇ Eleven love and truth to think unexpectedly· Cried crying in the moving ending!
【All destiny that the love of two people trace】 Turmoil of love and healing Chapter 18· "How long do the two minds communicate with each other?" Permanent perspective with a miracle card· "Are you already already thinking of both?" Now, he plans to warm you up ~ Plan to be warm!· Fate of pure love affair without tears ◆ A way to go to a paradise (Lani) of only two people - the final ending· Prophecy of a miracle that the counselor tears one after another!
Next event that happens to you ~ Next mission· He also knows properly ◆ The difference between you and others · True reason to think specially· "I was wondering what he was thinking ..." Surprised / convinced / all the truth of impression!· "Can two people go together?" A mysterious Tarot will tell the tears of tears of tears of loveOther【Life, work】· It rushes to the point that it can be cried so much it can be saved [Life changes] Turning point and selection of the next job· Mysterious cards reflect color vividly 【Future in 1 year】 Who and what do you do?· Medium power to celebrities ◆ Puzzle card reveals 3/5/10 years after your life!· Predictive mystery ◆ Work / marriage / gold / health 【4 great anxiety】 What will happen in the future?Other【Encounter, marriage】· Gods blessed ◆ Meeting with you (Ipolani) / All fate of marriage!· Happiness (Hauoli) is nearby ...
Heterosexuality of destiny who thinks the most you now is that personOther※ The menu is scheduled to be added from time to time
★ About the supervisorJune Shibusawa (Shibusawa)Western science researcher.
He is the president of the Institute of Forensics "HELURA".
Representative Gerharda Inc.Over the years, he is a super powerful fortuneteller who is writing manuscripts with many famous media.In addition to writing books on Marseillan tarot and Western palm surgery, he studies and develops the method of innovation that treats a wide variety of occupations from Tarot to astrology, hands, blood type, incorporating Western thought such as alchemy into fortune telling .Yahoo!
fortune telling "First half of 2014 Hot Popularity Ranking" won the first place in "Love division".In 2016, at Yahoo!
Ticket "Entami!" S fortune-telling project, NANA, MINA and LINA of the artist "MAX" met face-to-face in their fortunes in 2016, Get popularBook"Blood Type Alchemy" (Komakusa Publishing), "Miracle Hits!
"The world of Western hand surgery" (Komakusa Publishing / co-author), "Leading the Tarot" (Komakusa Publishing / co-authored), "Hawaiian Spiritual Tarot Retreat Quilt" Your destiny to lead "(Three Sky Publishing)■ History of magazines"Anan" (magazine house), "VERY" (Kobunsha), "JJ" (Kobunsha), "Weekly Women" (housewives and life shops), "Opening book" (East Press), "Chakra" (Aia Publishing) "Big Tatake Calling Happiness" (Lied Corporation), "Beads Friend" (Boutique Company), "Female Seven" (Shogakkan), etc.◆新規メニューを1本追加しました!・恋愛ごっこじゃない◆不倫の彼にとって今あなたはこれほどの存在です
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